Saturday, May 16, 2020
Authors Posts by Jonathan David

Jonathan David

My name is Jonathan David and I am from a small town called Green Cove Springs, located in northeast Florida. Originally from Miami, Florida, my family moved up north, as I was entering the fourth grade. Once we moved, I eventually started getting into sports a lot more. I did soccer, basketball and running and pole-vaulting; however, the main sport that I pretty much keep up with is, basketball, specifically the NBA. Although I’ll occasionally watch track and field if it’s on ESPN. There were many reasons why I got into basketball, besides it looking like fun, one reason was because I wanted to be like Bugs Bunny from Space Jam, not Michael Jordan, but Bugs Bunny, and while my dream of being an animated character hasn’t panned out, I still enjoy playing and watching the sport. My favorite NBA team is the Orlando Magic, and I’ve been a fan since Lebron was in Miami, so when they eventually get good, people can’t say I’m a bandwagon fan.
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